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Welcome onboard! We're glad to have you as a Bulletproof Seduction affiliate.
It's always been our No.1 priority to help you make the most out of your promotions for our programs and future products (we're constantly rolling out new, top-notch, low-competition products -- so keep your eyes GLUED to your mailbox, ok?). Obviously, the more money you make, the more MOTIVATED you'll be to keep promoting our products.
We believe in fostering long-term win-win partnerships with our affiliates, and that's why we're constantly testing the sales conversions of all our promotional tools and making sure you get the best ones. |
A Product To Promote:
If you do not have a Clickbank ID,
click here to apply.

website link: http://womenpersuasionsecrets.com/
The Little-Known Secrets To Charm, Mesmerize And Persuade ANY Woman To Hypnotically Obey Your EVERY Word And DO Whatever You WANT Them To Do

website link: http://bulletproofseduction.com/younger/
World's BEST Seduction Masters Finally Break Their *Code Of Silence* And Reveal How YOU Can Easily Approach, Date & Get ANY Woman Who Is 5, 10, Even 30 Years Younger... Without Rejection

website link: http://www.seduceasianwomen.com/
A Step-By-Step Blueprint On How To Meet Asian Women, Melt Their Defenses, Develop Deep Emotional Connections & Get Them Craving For You Within Minutes Of Meeting Them. Best Part? You'll Do It Smoothly, Flawlessly Without Second-Guessing Yourself... Ever Again.
NEW ! The Bulletproof Seduction "Inner Circle" 12-Month Membership Program
Now you can also pull in recurring money every month from the Bulletproof Seduction Inner Circle Membership Program. We've created an incredible 12-month continuity membership program for guys who want ongoing information on how to succeed with women. Members receive a new batch of content every two weeks, for a 12-month period.
And here's the best part...after extensive testing, we've come up with an offer that is converting like WILD! Here's how it works. We offer our customer a complete program on How To Approach Women for only $1. By accepting the offer and paying the $1, they are also opting to join our monthly membership program. The first month is free. After that, they are billed $19.95 monthly (as an affiliate, you receive 50%).
You can see the offer here (this is one of our favorite sales pages):
http://www.bulletproofseduction.com/approach/ |

website link: http://www.bulletproofseduction.com/approach/
This is an awesome sales page for you to promote, because guys are LOVING this special $1 offer. Once they take the offer, you'll have commissions rolling in every month! (Of course, our customers are free to cancel any time -- but we've LOADED our membership program with great content, so we're seeing most guys stay onboard, month after month...)
NOTE: When you convert a sale, your commission from Clickbank will appear in your account as "$0.00." This is because a customer has taken the $1 offer. Assuming the customer does not cancel, you'll start seeing your commissions kick in after the first month of their membership. This money can add up VERY quickly!
NEW! Branded Special Reports Give These Away & Make More Sales!

Give away this free, 75-page "bonus book" to your website visitors, customers or subscribers. (Hey, everyone loves free stuff!)
Even better, your Clickbank links will be embedded in this book. Whenever someone clicks one of the links found throughout the book and wants to purchase the Mack Tactics program, you'll receive credit for the sale!
This is a super powerful affiliate marketing tool and it only takes a few seconds to set up.
Click here and follow the simple instructions...
To Make The Most Out Of Your Promotions…
Don't just use one or two of the promotional materials, all the methods listed on our affiliate center work should be set-up TOGETHER as a complete campaign.
All you have to do is to follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Send out email promo announcements to your subscribers
Step 2: Set up a new Product Reviews Page on your most visited section of your website (normally your home page)
Step 3: Use those email announcement templates and place them within your autoresponders 1 month later. (this ensures PASSIVE income)
Step 4: Use any one of our articles and place them within your autoresponders (this provides consistent content to your subscribers and ensures PASSIVE income).
Step 5: Create separate pages within your website containing the dating articles provided and then link them back to our sales site
Step 6: Create your own pay-per-click campaigns in all the major PPC search engines and start promoting there
Step 7: Write reviews on our products and use Press Releases like distribute them to all the major search engines in an instant (recommended http://www.PRWeb.com and other established PR companies)
Step 8: Write quality reviews on our program and post them to high-traffic articles sites
Step 9: Use our articles and post them on your blogs
Step 10: Copy and paste our banners on your most visited sections on your website
Linking to our products in context is a simple way to integrate it into your site; you could also insert a phrase like "(more information about this course)" or "(order this course)", next to the title, and link from there instead. Other subtitle ways include saying things like: There are various dating & seduction courses out there but I recommend this one (affiliate link here) simply mentioning the title of our course in a related sentence with a link to your affiliate account.
For this kind of website, a "suggested reading" list might also be a good idea. For example, suppose that you include an article discussing approaching women or creating attraction with women, etc. You might include a "suggested reading" list at the end of the article, including a link to BulletProofSeduction.com through your affiliate link.
We will go into detail on how to do this in future training sessions that you'll be getting in your emails when you've first signed up.
That's all for now, wishing you all the best in your promotions and should you need any help or advice on how to increase your sales, feel free to email me at anytime.
I'm dedicated to help you to make as much money as you can!
You can write of us here at:
Talk to you soon.
Your friends,
Affiliate Login - Sign up clickbank