Email #1
SUBJECT LINE : Download This
Hi {!firstname},
Quick one...
Download this:
If you are at all curious on how to get the most beautiful,
feminine, exotic & sexy ASIAN women to be YOUR girl, you'll
be FLOORED by the time you finish reading this mail.
See, I've noticed that of late, a HUGE number of guys are
writing in, sharing 'problems' they were having when it
comes to dating & getting Asian women.
And I don't blame them.
It IS a REAL problem at this day and age because it's true...
Asian women are TREMENDOUSLY difficult to understand.
The way they view dating, love, marriage, and romantic
relationships are COMPLETELY different than that of Western
They are a different breed.
Knowing little, knowing close to nothing about their culture,
their language, their roots, it's really no surprise most men get
knocked out... BAD.
And most guys fail simply because they don't understand
them: what makes them "tick": what their values, customs and
backgrounds are... and how to push their emotional "hot buttons"
-- the most vital ingredients to finding, meeting and
"closing the deal" with the right Asian woman.
The worse part?
Conventional "westernized" methods of attracting them
WILL scare them away!
Don't believe me?
Go ahead and TRY IT. :)
So, look.
If you want SPECIFIC techniques and strategies for you to
get yourself that enchanting, slender & LOVING Asian girl
you've always wanted, download this:
It's the ultimate.
- You'll learn how to manage conversations to the point
where THEY will do whatever they can to measure up to
YOUR standards.
- You'll get them WITHOUT seeming "creepy", immature or
suffering from any social stigma.
... And if your goal is to find an absolute "keeper": the
super in-demand 8s, 9s, and 10s as your girlfriend, you'll
learn how to stay IN CONTROL of the relationship so that
she always cherishes and respects you. Leaving you for
another guy will NOT be an option in her mind.
From where/how to meet, what to say, how to flirt,
connect, specific ways to touch and get her physically
turned on and everything in between, everything's inside.
Bottom line, it **WILL** help you GET her.
I wouldn't have taken the effort to let you know about it
unless I thought it was important.
This is your own personal link to download your own copy:
Follow Up Email #2: (To Be Sent 4-7 Days Later)
SUBJECT LINE : Urgent - Open Up!
Several days ago I mentioned about how you can quickly
and easily get an Asian girlfriend and it's AMAZING how
fast you guys are suckin' it up!
(Go here if you've missed it):
I loved that you guys are LOVING the whole program, but it's
true, hype aside, this easily *the* most comprehensive training
for dating Asian women EVER.
It's pretty clear... that's A LOT of killer findings
inside... stuff NO ONE knows about.
Inside, you'll be learning about:
>>> Where to start: The blueprint and action plan for finding,
meeting and dating a young, beautiful, top-quality Asian woman,
destroy the "culture gap" and get her to choose YOU over any
other guy that tries to compete
>>> what Asian women REALLY want in a man, in how they’d like to be
approached, in how they’d like to be teased, talked to, touched,
‘handled’, etc... but in most instances will NEVER tell
a man.
>>> Secrets to honoring every single part of her body from head to
toe: her hair, neck, eyes, lips, breasts, arms, legs and most
importantly... her heart... and capture her love, devotion and
sexual imagination.
>>> Date ideas, courting lines, sweet talking scripts that well
touch her, warm her soul and have her feeling like she's the
sweetest thing around! (This is how Asian women love to be woo-ed
and courted; memorize, execute is all you have to do!)
>>> Exactly why Asian women put certain types of men in the dreaded
“Friend Zone” and the critical things you MUST do to stay far
away from it
>>> ... plus much more!
You can get the full details here:
(PS - Don't forget to check out the video right at the bottom
of the page).
If you want to know how it's done and get YOURSELF that girl
you've always wanted, go through the program.
Asian women are a COMPLETELY different breed... and conventional
"westernized" methods of attracting them WILL scare them away!
There are *specific* rules: do's and don'ts you MUST follow religiously
if you want to get them.
It's tricky, but the paradox to it is that it's WAY
easier than you think, and once you follow all that's laid out
and actually DO it, your ENTIRE world changes!
... ANYONE you want, ANY time, you'll know she's YOURS.
No more hesitation, no more guess-work.
When you download this program, you can spend the next 2
months... read the books, watch the video trainings... run
through the bonus modules... listen to all CD recordings...
And if you're not happy for ANY reason at all, then
those lessons are FREE. Just ask for a refund, it's
that simple.
Dean's not dumb enough to make such a guarantee if he
wasn't confident that you'll absolutely be THRILLED by
what's inside and will be more than happy to KEEP it.
All you need to do is to give it a try:
Offers like this don't come every day, so please hurry!
All the best...
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High Converting Articles
Use a free article we have written and place it on your site to give guys a taste of what they can expect from our dating compilation guide. If they like what they read, they are likely to sign up through your affiliate link of course which you have placed at the bottom of the article.
10 Reasons Why Guys Love Asian Women
The physical appeal of Asian women is undeniable. Their long, silky hair...slim, firm, petite bodies...and even the graceful way that they walk. (Asian women tend to move in a poised, sensuous way -- while many Western women tend to stride or charge ahead in a more determined, almost masculine, manner -- like an NFL linebacker looking to put a hit on the quarterback!)
I'm sure you get turned on by their sensual, exotic features. And of course, Asian women possess a sense of innocence that makes us curious to know more about them. It's a turn-on to think that beneath that shy, polite exterior lies a simmering sexuality that is waiting to be unleashed!
But if you were to admit this preference to a Western woman, she'd probably respond with scorn. She'll assume that your attraction to Asian women is all about wanting a "submissive slave" who will wait on you hand and foot and cater to your sexual needs. The B.W.W. (Bitter Western Woman) believes that guys who are into Asian girls aren't "strong" enough or "man" enough to handle a "real woman."
This couldn't be farther from the truth, and you already know this if you've been with Asian women. The Asian girlfriends I've had have been smart, self-sufficient, opinionated and strong. Yet at the same time, they radiate pure femininity.
They make a man feel like...well, like a MAN!
This is the way you and I were born to feel, and it's what we need in order to feel happy and good about ourselves. Just ask any of your married buddies who have been beaten down and emasculated by their nagging, overbearing wives.
Having an attraction towards Asian women isn't any weird "fetish," nor does it suggest that you are in any way deficient or unable to handle a relationship with a woman of your own race. On the contrary, I say that you are enlightened! You're willing to think "outside the box" and not follow the same script that your friends do -- the guys who settle for whatever girl they can get, because they're convinced that in order to date stunningly beautiful women (or a hot younger woman) you need to be rich, famous or have movie-star good looks.
These guys accept the idea that they're never going to be with a hot, sexy, hard-bodied woman who respects and adores them -- and so, once they reach a certain age, they marry a girl who they think is "compatible" with them (which usually means, she's as boring and ordinary as he is).
But how many of these guys wind up being truly happy and sexually fulfilled? Personally, I don't know of many. I just know that a lot of married friends of mine beg their wives for the chance to hang out with me. They tell their wives that they need to come over to Asia and visit me "for business," but the real reason is that they know I will introduce them to beautiful Asian women.
Look, we're all driven by the same needs and desires that we shared with our ancestors 10,000 years ago. We are hard-wired to be men. We desire women who are soft and feminine, and respond to our masculinity and strength. Asian women cater to this need like no other type of female.
I believe there are a number of valid, important reasons why men find Asian women so appealing. Some of these reasons, we're not even aware of on a conscious level.
Here are some of the big ones. (Note, these characteristics do not apply to all Asian women. I'm talking about the caliber of Asian women that you'll want to meet and be with.)
#1 They have strong sexual appeal.
The silky hair; flawless skin; petite, hard bodies; and exotic Oriental features add up to combination that a lot of men find irresistible.
Plus, anatomically, the Asian face (particularly the women with more Oriental features) is constructed so that it seems to convey less expression and emotion than the faces of Caucasian people. The construct of their faces makes Asian women more "difficult to read" than Caucasian women, who tend to express and share their feelings constantly (whether we're in the mood to know about their feelings, or not!).
This gives Asian woman an air of mystery and unpredictability, which is deeply attractive to men -- because we're hard-wired to thrive on the thrill of the hunt.
Asian women also have excellent skin quality, and tend to develop less wrinkles than Caucasian woman as they get older -- which is why Asian women can remain strikingly beautiful well into middle age.
#2 They tend to be quite approachable.
In my experience, there is no question that Asian women are more approachable than Western women and they love being flirted with. Simply walk up to most Asian women, give them a warm smile, and say to them in their native language, "You're so pretty," and you'll often get a smile in return -- and that will be enough to start a conversation. With an American woman, this would probably get you a dirty look (or worse).
The fact is, Asian women smile more. It's part of their culture. You can tour provinces in the Philippines that are poorer than anything you've ever seen, and the people (and the women, in particular) will always greet you with a smile.
Thailand is literally known as "The Land Of Smiles" because people smile all the time. (This can be confusing to foreigners, since the "Thai smile" can actually mean a lot of different things -- I explain this in the "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book. But at any rate, it beats being around a bunch of frowning, frumpy Western women!)
Try walking around a shopping mall in Bangkok, Jakarta or Manila -- your mind will be blown by how many pretty young women are simply willing to smile at you when you make eye contact.
Contrast this with the hot women in America. They will frown most of the time in order to assert that they can't be bothered with meeting anyone new. They will automatically consider you to be a loser, or some type of threat, until you prove otherwise.
Of course, a lot of Asian women are much shyer than Western women -- or seem to be shy, until you engage them in a friendly way and get them to open up.
Don't think that their shy exterior makes Asian women more difficult to approach. In fact, you'll find that part of their shyness stems from their great concern with being polite.
At that point, the key is knowing how to build their interest and attraction. The "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" program will show you how to do that.
#3 They are excellent homemakers, and take pride in managing the household.
Visit a home run by an Asian woman, and you'll find that it is always organized and clean. The meals are prepared with care, the husband always wears clean clothes, and the children are well-fed and neatly dressed. Unless your Asian sweetheart is from a rich family that employed servants, she was helping out with household duties starting at a young age.
Even the poorest families keep their living space as clean as possible. In Asia, women will always make sure that your home is clean, and they will take pride in cooking your meals and keeping you well-fed.
#4 They have a rich sense of culture and heritage.
Many Westerners are fascinated by the colorful, exotic, mysterious cultures of Asia, which are steeped in history. In recent times, Asia has gotten a reputation as being rather trendy among Westerners. This is particularly true with Japan, which Westerners have begun to recognize as a Mecca for fashion. (Japanese girls are years ahead of Western girls, with their super-cool, futuristic styles of dress.)
Why else would so many Caucasians, both men and women, put tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters on their bodies, thinking it makes them look hip and "spiritual" -- even though they've never even visited those countries? (Very lame, if you ask me...)
By dating an Asian woman, you'll have the opportunity to learn more her fascinating culture -- including its beliefs, traditions, music, cuisine, movies, arts, and history. This isn't the case when you date a woman who grew up in the town next to yours. Being able to constantly learn new things about her culture, while sharing yours with her, can be a big advantage in a relationship. There is less chance of the two of you growing bored with each other. When you date an Asian woman and have genuine appreciation for her culture and background, there are new things for you to explore every day.
#5 Asian women place a high value on relationships and have unconditional love for their family.
Another attractive aspect of Asian women is that unlike most of their counterparts in Western countries, they put tremendous value on their families and relationships. Choose the right partner, and she'll be highly loyal to you and will avoid doing anything that will damage the relationship. This tends to bring out the best in you as a man.
Did you know that the Philippines is one of only two countries in the world where there is no divorce? It does not exist. Filipinas are raised to believe that when they marry, it is for life. Even in other, more developed Asian countries (where there is divorce), it is considered a shameful last resort -- unlike in Western countries, where the attitude isn't until "til death us part." It's more like, "Let's give it a try, and if it's not working out six months from now, I'll take your house and half your money, dumbass..."
Again, I must remind you that I am speaking in general terms here. Are all Asian women passionately loyal and committed to their relationships? Of course not. There are plenty of warped women and gold diggers out there; you've got to keep your wits about you and know to avoid them. (Which can be difficult when you find yourself dating an Asian girl with the tightest body you've ever laid your hands on!) The "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book contains some very helpful tips on this.
#6 We believe the attraction is mutual.
A big reason why a lot of guys "hone in" on Asian women is that they've been told that Asian women are as attracted to foreigners as we are to them. This idea of a "mutual fascination" is appealing to guys who are tired of jumping through hoops to try to date Western women.
If you are reasonably attractive and have light skin, it is true that many Asian women will have a built-in automatic attraction towards you. Part of this comes from their desire to have light-skinned children, since light skin, in their culture, is considered beautiful and high-status.
#7 Dealing with interracial stigmas is not really an issue.
Western society is a lot more tolerant of other races than it was 100, or even 50, years ago. In America, we elected a black President, which would have been unthinkable only a decade ago. But racism does persist in different forms, and there is still some unease in the West when it comes to interracial relationships.
For example, a white man marrying a black woman, or a black man marrying a white woman, is still considered unacceptable (or at least, inappropriate) in the minds of many Westerners. This isn't usually the case when a Western man hooks up with an Asian woman. It has been accepted for quite a while. I'm not saying this is a reason to choose Asian women over those of another race, but the reality is, going this route does make it easier for you to "cross the racial divide" if you choose a woman who is not of your own race.
Interracial relationships between non-Asian men, and Asian women, have become very common. And it's silly for some people to think that the differences in your upbringing and culture, and those of an Asian woman, will create difficulties. In fact, these differences can give the relationship an added dimension that keeps things interesting.
(One difference in backgrounds that can create obstacles is if you marry an Asian woman who comes from a very poor family, since you may be expected to provide financial support for her relatives. I talk more about this in the "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book.)
But as far as the difference between your culture and hers, it shouldn't present any problems. If any of your friends or family members have an issue with you being with a woman who you love -- simply because she is Asian -- they need to get with the times and broaden their horizons. (I find that most people who take a dim view of my preference for Asian women are, themselves, starving for companionship or trapped in miserable relationships with women of their own race.)
#8 They are spiritually grounded.
Many Asian women observe a religion and take it seriously. Whether she worships God, Buddha or whomever, religion tends to give Asian women a sense of calmness and inner peace that many Western women lack. Asian women don't need to do constant "soul searching" and fret about what is lacking in their lives. For the Asian woman, a loving partner, a happy, healthy household, and the love of her family and God is enough.
#9 They have a hardworking nature.
Asian women typically start helping out their families from a very young age, waking up early to help out with house-hold chores. This is a dramatic difference from the way children are typically raised in Western countries. Also, they believe in working hard in order to provide a better future for their families.
This is evident in immigrant communities throughout the Western world; they'll work 24 hours a day if it means being able to send money home and enabling family members to migrate there and join them. These people respect the value of hard work -- and a woman from this type of background is not going to turn into a spoiled "princess" once you marry her.
#10 Asian women take great pride in their appearance.
Even if they're only stepping out to shop for groceries, Asian women always want to look presentable. Going to the salon is a ritual. They feel it's important to stay sexy for their man. This is a far cry from the way many Western women behave once they're married and no longer need to worry about landing a husband. They start packing on the pounds, and would rather wear sweat pants and baggy shirts than the short skirts and tight-fitting jeans that sexy Asian women prefer.
(If you're still wondering why Western women have negative things to say about Western guys who marry Asian women...can you say "jealousy?")
It took me a long time to figure out how to date and attract Asian women, and how to make them feel that powerful physical and emotional response called ATTRACTION...
I can't tell you how much I wish I could have known all these stuff here when I was younger. It's taken me literally YEARS to put all the pieces together, and I know of no other resource that shows you exactly how to become a MASTER with Asian women as this:
This course will give you a SOLID foundation for thinking and behaving like a guy who NATURALLY attracts Asian women.
You can download it here:
I'll talk to you again soon --
How To Attract Asian Women - 4 Easy Steps
Succeeding with Asian women -- and succeeding in life, really -- is all about expanding your "comfort zone." If you currently are not dating and having sex on a regular basis, then it's time for you to make some changes. Here's a solid piece of advice to start with:
#1. Get To Know The "Gate Keepers."
It's very important for you to start building "gate keeper relationships." This means making AAFs (Asian Female Friends) who will then give you access to their networks of other Asian women. You probably won't be having sex with any of these AAFs. Their function will be to introduce you to their cute friends and get you into their social circles.
When Asian women go out, they tend to hang together in groups, and it can be extremely hard to penetrate the group and introduce yourself when you don't know any of them. The best possible way to meet a beautiful Asian girl is to be introduced to her by one of her friends who knows you (and vouches for you as a good guy).
Many times I've been in nightclubs in California or Las Vegas and I see a group of Asian girls I'd love to be with. Some of them are very cute, but usually there are one or two girls in the group who are short, chubby and unattractive. Those are the girls that it's easy to make friends with.
Then, the next time they all go out to the club or to a party, guess what? You'll be invited to come along, and you can get to know all of them in a way that feels comfortable and natural for everyone. The "gate keeper" will go out of her way to make sure you are enjoying yourself and meeting all of her friends.
Asian women are really cool in this way. I've known plain-looking divorced Asian women in their 40s who I never slept with (and didn't want to), but because I was friendly and charming towards them, they bent over backwards to fix me up with their cute, younger single friends!
I have met awesome "gate keepers" at my work. These women are starved for attention from men, so they're happy to make friends with me. In a lot of cases, as soon as I mention that I'm single, the woman will start offering to introduce me to her single Asian friends who are looking for boyfriends!
(Like I said, Asian women love to play "match maker" and hook up their friends with nice guys -- especially a nice foreign guy.)
The next thing you know, you might get invited to a birthday party where you're surrounded by 20 Asian women and you're the only foreigner -- so naturally, they're all curious to meet you, and your gate keeper friend is introducing you to everyone.
You can meet these "gate keepers" anywhere -- it could be your neighbor, a woman at your job, from your church, a class you are taking, etc.
So, building your network of casual Asian female friends is the first step. When you're ready to take it to the next level, you can become the organizer of social activities. Host a dinner party and tell your gate keepers to bring some single friends to meet you and your friends. Plan a picnic or barbeque at the beach. This way, you're taking the responsibility off of the gate keeper (these women are normally putting themselves in charge of organizing activities for their social groups), and you are offering to plan a fun occasion for her and her friends. They'll be thrilled when you extend this type of initiation.
#2. Know How To Read The Signals.
For a lot of years I just didn't "get it." I missed out on so many opportunities to bang Asian women because I didn't take the hint and recognize that these women wanted to sleep with me! I thought they were just being friendly, and I didn't want to risk making a move and getting rejected. Knowing how to read the "attraction signals" of Asian women will save you a lot of regret later on.
Once you start making more Asian female friends and spending time hanging out with them, you will notice the slight verbal and nonverbal cues that they use to communicate their interest in you.
In the past, I'd have AFFs say things to me like, "So what are you doing this weekend?" "Can you help me with my homework?" "I'm so stressed out, let's go drinking." Or they'd give me compliments like "Wow, do you work out? I like your body." Or, "you're so smart." I thought they were just being friendly. I didn't realize that Asian women typically won't say these kinds of things, due to their shyness. The fact that they were saying these things, and extending invitations to, really meant one thing: they wanted to fuck me.
When I was in graduate school, I had cute classmates from Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand come to my crappy little on-campus apartment to study with me. I thought they just wanted to study; I didn't want to creep them out by trying something sexual. But now I realize that they were totally up for sex. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been hanging out at my apartment until midnight. It was an unusually aggressive move for an Asian woman to invite herself to my place to "study" at night.
But I didn't read the we would study, and she would go home. If only I'd read the signals and escalated with these girls (read the Secrets Of Dating Asian Women book for more information on this process).
She might make the first move by inviting herself over, but the next move is always going to be up to you. If you don't escalate, nothing sexual is going to happen.
Now I realize that when a female Asian co-worker or "friend" asks me to come over and see her house, because she wants to get my opinion on whether she should sell it, renovate it, or whatever, I read the signals and I know what this "invitation" is really about. I always show up with a small house-warming gift, and within minutes of me walking in the door she is practically tearing my clothes off.
Follow up on all hints of interest in a polite and focused manner. If she says "you should come see my house sometime," don't just say "yeah, OK." Be direct. Tell her you can come by on Saturday or Sunday, and ask her which is better for her. Make a plan. Don't blow your chance.
#3. Love them and they will love you back with great intensity. I've noticed that Asian men tend to treat their women rather poorly compared to how we treat women as Westerners. (Honestly, a lot of Western guys go overboard when they like a girl...kissing her ass, spending money on her, trying to rush her into committing to a serious relationship, etc. I always respect women and treat them like a gentleman, but you never want to act like a spineless chump who feels lucky to be with her.)
If an Asian woman is extremely beautiful by the standards of her society, then of course guys are going to kiss her ass and treat her like a princess. But that's only 1% or 2% of Asian women. The rest are often lacking in self-confidence. If she's past her mid-twenties and still single, she may be afraid that she'll never find a man. If she's been married before, or already has a kid, most Asian guys wouldn't even consider dating her. If she's older than 26, she's also considered to be "past her expiration date."
And the standards of beauty where she comes from are incredibly high: you've got to be tall, graceful, have flawless skin, and be from a good family. This is why most Asian women are self-conscious about their looks and don't consider themselves to be special or unique.
The point is, by loving the Asian woman that you are with at the moment and giving her your complete attention, you will make her feel extremely special. This means keep your cell phone turned off, hold her hand in a proud way when you walk with her, pay for everything, be polite and respectful, and tell her the little things about her that you find cute or sexy. (Her laugh, her smile, her hair, the way she walks, etc.)
When she says negative things about herself, don't allow it. Communicate to her that she is totally unique and special to you. Take her out to do fun things -- go on weekend trips, romantic date nights, sports games, etc. When you share your fun experiences with her, this will make her feel bonded to you.
If you're reading this right now and you would like to learn more 'secrets' on how to get an Asian woman to come home with you AND come inside with you after a date, how to get her "turned on", and how to smoothly take things to a "physical level" in a way that she'll enjoy, then you SERIOUSLY should check this out:
... because inside, you'll uncover HUNDREDS more ideas on how to do so. You can download it right now, and be reading it in a few minutes...
Just go here:
To your success!
How To Get A Beautiful Chinese Girlfriend
Chinese women shouldn't be too hard to find if you if live in a large American city. A lot of affluent Chinese families have been sending their daughters to study in the USA and perfect their English, since they recognize English as the global language of doing business -- and the Chinese are all about business.
These women usually graduate from college and find jobs with Western companies. If you work in a Western corporation, the type of Asian women you are most likely to work with are Chinese women. Often, they are sexy, intelligent, and speak very good English.
In other words, they are a formidable challenge. These are not your average "third world girls" who are easily dazzled. The fact that you are a foreigner doesn't carry much weight with them. These women know they have options, and so they tend to be choosy about the men they date.
They also come from a culture where money, status and power are the most important qualities in a man -- and the hottest women are accustomed to dating super-wealthy men (sometimes much older than they are), who set them up with whatever they want.
A few aspects of Chinese women you need to know about:
First, I'm speaking in general terms here. The cute, shy girl who works at your local Chinese restaurant is not going to have the same values and expectations as the super-hot, confident Chinese chick that comes from a ritzy area of Hong Kong and has dated millionaires.
The advice found throughout this program applies very well to "regular" Chinese women. But as China has evolved into a major global superpower, it also has created a large class of hot young women who are used to being around a lot of money -- and Chinese men who spend huge amounts to "possess" them.
You will find these beautiful, high-end Chinese girls in the nightclubs and shopping districts of New York, Los Angeles or Las Vegas -- sporting Louis Vuitton purses and expensive designer outfits. They're usually either enrolled in an American university, or there on holiday with their friends.
I know that a confident guy with the right skills can seduce any woman (and I'm living proof), but hot Chinese girls that come straight out of big-money Chinese culture will usually only go with you if they know you have the right financial status.
It's not the same with many super-hot Western women (models, strippers, etc) where you can use a "bad boy" edge to get them to feel sexual attraction. Chinese women, being more practical and less emotional than American women, aren't so much interested in dating a "hot" guy who doesn't have his act together. They are much more likely to date men who aren't impressive in the looks department, but have the financial resources to spoil them with the lifestyle they want.
Another thing to keep in mind: Chinese men look down on women who have been married before, or have children. It is very difficult for these women to find a quality man inside their own race. For this reason, Chinese women won't hesitate to leave their country and a good-paying job to find love again somewhere else.
In China, improving one's quality of life through marriage is a tradition. Nowadays, many single women in the big cities in China have a good quality of life -- but in the more remote parts of the country, the idea of meeting a Western man, getting married, and moving to his country to find love is very attractive. However, they probably speak little (if any) English. This can make meeting these girls over the Internet a challenge. Better, if possible, for you to "go to the source" and scout out these places for yourself.
These are various dialects in China (it's a vast country!) Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien are the major dialects that you are likely to encounter. But because the wealthy Chinese families recognize English as the global language for doing business, they will often speak English at home.
Chinese women have gained a lot of rights and respect as equals in recent years. Some women don't care about getting married and will co-habitat with their boyfriends because they prefer a no-strings-attached relationship; if things don't work out, they are prepared to move on.
The new generation of young Chinese women are a lot more open to expressing themselves sexually than they were in the past. You see this with a lot of sex videos that get "leaked" to the Internet, involving Chinese celebrities. It's now common for Chinese girls to let their boyfriends take sexy photos and videos of them.
Hot Chinese girls will usually expect the "5C's" from their lover: Cash, Car, Condominium, Career, Credit Card. "Giving your girlfriend a gold credit card is out of style," says my friend D.H, a Hong Kong businessman. "Now they want Platinum or AMEX-Black Card. It's a status symbol. Money is king in China -- you'll see a lot of fat, ugly guys driving a luxury car with a super-hot girl in the passenger seat."
But this is not to say that you need to be a high roller to date hot Chinese women. They are vulnerable to guys who are "sweet talkers" and create a sense of romance. Tell them you love them, kiss them, take them on romantic trips. If she hasn't already been spoiled rotten by high rollers, you've got a shot.
When I talked to my friend D.H. about romancing Chinese women, he spoke to me in practical terms (as the Chinese always do): "In China, when we're not with our girlfriends or wives, we just pay when we want sex. It's not a big deal, it's what guys do. There are many places in China which have a poor quality of life, and as long as you can pay, you can get any kind of sex you want. But if you want a relationship in a big city like Shanghai or Beijing, you need to have money. Once a woman has her own income power, she will be very selective about who she will date."
D.H. told me a story about a friend of his, a hot Chinese woman who is the mistress to the CEO of a major company. When the CEO found out she was pregnant with his baby, he said he would pay her $1 million to deliver a baby girl, and $3 million if it was a baby boy.
These scenarios aren't unusual in the big Chinese cities: rich guys use their money to lay out the terms of the relationship. The beautiful young women are naturally going to hang out in places where they can interact with high-status, big-money Chinese men. And if a Chinese guy likes one of these women, he's not going to fuck around and waste time. He is going to treat it like a business deal: he will supply the "5C's," and she will be available for sex when he wants it.
The bottom line is that a Chinese woman wants to be given respect and have her man make her feel like she is the most important person in the world -- his "one and only." Beyond the Chinese girls who are obsessed with material possessions and status symbols, if you look around, you will have the opportunity to meet simpler, down-to-earth Chinese women who will respond positively to a Western guy who shows her loyalty, commitment and romance.
Chinese Phrases To Help You Flirt:
Hi, you look pretty today: Hai, jing tian ni kan qi lai hen mei.
May I know your name: Wo ke yi zhi dao ni de ming zii ma?
I'm trying to learn Chinese but I only know a little bit: Wo zheng zai xue hua yu, dan wo zhi dong yi dian dian.
My name is John: Wo jiao John.
Can you tell me how to find ______: Qing wen _______ zen yang qu?
You have beautiful eyes: Ni you shuang mei li de yan jing.
Goodbye, I will see you soon: Bai bai,wo hen kuai zai jian dao ni.
You are very beautiful: Ni hen mei li.
You are very cute: Ni hen ke ai.
I miss you: Wo xiang ni.
Do you have a boyfriend: Ni you nan peng you ma?
Can you be my girlfriend: Ni ke yi dang wo de nu peng you ma.
I want to kiss you: Wo xiang qin ni.
You are my sweetheart: Ni shi wo de tian xin.
You are my darling: Ni shi wo de ai ren.
I love you: Wo ai ni.
And if you're ready for an IN-DEPTH education on everything from the PRECISE way to approach Asian women and start getting numbers and dates and taking things to a "physical level"...then you MUST get your hands on a copy of this:
It's JAM PACKED with over HUNDREDS of concepts, strategies, and specific techniques to ensure you get ANY Asian woman you want.
I get emails all the time from guys who are reviewing the program two, three, and even five or MORE times because there's just so much information packed into it.
You'll not only hear Dean teaching his personal techniques and secrets, but you'll ALSO learn from some of the WORLD'S BEST with they reveal THEIR deepest seduction & attraction secrets as well:
To Your Success!
Where To Go To Meet Sexy Asian Women
A lot of guys aren't really sure WHERE TO GO to meet Asian women. Let's face it, a lot of the high-quality girls aren't found in the bars and nightclubs...and certainly not the girls who are the "shy type" (which does describe a fairly large percentage of Asian women), or are busy with their studies. That's why it's time for you to think "outside the box."
I'm going to explain a few GREAT environments where you can meet tons of Asian hotties...and one of the big advantages of meeting them in these places is that their "guard" isn't up. You can strike up conversations with girls in a way that feels friendly and natural.
* Art Galleries and Festivals. Check your local newspapers for announcements about events featuring Asian artists or crafts. Not only are these awesome places to meet girls, but it's also an opportunity for you to pick up some items that will improve your home decor. (Having some cool Asian artwork or furnishings will create great topics of conversation when you have girls over to your place.)
* Asian Supermarkets. These days, most towns and cities in the Western part of the world have significant Asian populations, and there are Asian supermarkets that cater to their dietary preferences.
I've wound up dating several Asian girls that I met in these places. Usually, I'll grab an item off the shelf and ask a girl for her help in translating the ingredients.
I'll tell her that I'm going to a birthday party for an Asian friend of mine, and I want to try to prepare a dish to bring. (The more clueless I seem about how to cook Asian food, the more amused and helpful the girl will be! Sometimes, these conversations wind up with me inviting her to come and cook her favorite dish at my apartment.)
* Auto Shows. Young Asian people are into fast, flashy, souped-up cars. (If you've seen any of the "Fast And The Furious" movies, you know what I'm talking about.) Plus, these shows often hire super-hot Asian models to show off the vehicles. Definitely worth checking out!
* Business/Computer Conventions. A lot of mature, professional (but sexy!) Asian women attend these conventions to network and further their careers. These are excellent places to meet women, particularly if you're looking to meet smart, career-minded ladies.
* Casinos. The Chinese in particular are very serious about their gambling. If you have casinos in your area they are guaranteed to draw a large number of the local Asian population.
The best places to meet girls are in the food court areas (when they're taking a break from gambling) or at the tables, if you're willing to wager some money and know how to play the game.
In my case, I'm a decent blackjack player, so I can always sit down next to an Asian woman and participate in the game with her. As soon as we both win a hand, I'll give her a high-five and start a friendly conversation with her.
* Chinese Cultural Events and Festivals. New Year is the most important celebration for the Chinese. It kicks off in February and runs for 15 days! Check your local newspaper and the Internet for news about special events and celebrations, which often include a street festival if you've got a Chinatown district in your area. Don't miss it!
* Asian Health Food Stores. Asians are big believers in preventive medicine and holistic health (which is good stuff for you to learn about). You can learn a lot by hanging around Asian health food stores, and build your network of Asian women.
* Universities. I saved the best for last. In America, our institutions of higher learning are absolutely flooded with young Asian women! At several campuses that are part of the University of California, more than 50% of the student body is Asian-American.
This means a huge number of beautiful, intelligent young hotties that are ripe for the picking. Visit your local college campuses, stroll the grounds, and find the "student center" where people hang out and take study breaks.
You're sure to find bulletin boards where upcoming events and activities are advertised. Go to any Asian-themed events.
A perfect conversation starter: tell girls that you're thinking about taking a course in a subject that interests you.
These are just a few quick ideas to get you on the right track. The "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" program contains an entire chapter on places to meet Asian women... and of course, on top of that, you'll also be getting ALL of the insider tactics on how to approach Asian girls, start conversations, build connections, and easily get phone numbers and dates.
Give it a quick look here (and don't miss out on the KILLER free bonuses as well!):
(These tactics have worked for me and my friends like a CHARM...and not just when we're traveling in Asia. These tactics are proven to be just as effective with Asian women in your own country, your own city, your own town!)
Enjoy -- and start putting these skills to good use!
How To Get Dates With Any Asian Girls You Want
I'm always looking to meet beautiful new Asian girls, and I don't limit my "intros" to when I'm at the bars and nightclubs. You'll actually meet some of the BEST Asian girls during the daytime -- and yet 95% of men have NO GAME when it comes to approaching random girls while the sun is still up.
This is why I want to give you some quick tips on "day game" -- how to start conversations with beautiful Asian girls without it feeling weird or awkward.
I'll often start things off by paying the girl an original compliment. I notice a detail of her appearance that most guys wouldn't think to comment on...
I pay her a compliment on it... and then I use it to TRANSITION into a conversation.
What should you compliment her on?
I can always notice some little detail, because I've been practicing this stuff for years...but if you have a hard time coming up with compliments, here's a helpful exercise.
Sit down in a place that has a lot of pedestrian traffic walking by (like a cafe at a shopping mall).
Watch the women walking past.
Notice details.
If you were suddenly thrust into a conversation and HAD to compliment them on something, what would you say?
It could be a piece of jewelry, their purse, shoes, their hair style, even a cool tattoo. Then there are the girls who simply carry themselves with confidence, or are smiling and radiating positive energy.
These are also great things to compliment a woman on -- as long as it seems genuine and sincere.
Once your mind gets accustomed to noticing positive things about random people, it will be easier for you to find something on the spur of the moment.
What you DON'T want to compliment an Asian girl on is her beauty.
A hot chick already knows she's hot, and she's been told this by a million guys who have nothing original to say and are desperately hoping to bang her.
Walking up to her and telling her she has great eyes seems creepy.
But on the other hand, walking up to her and complimenting her hand bag or bracelet -- and saying that you're thinking of buying one like that for your sister -- seems natural.
You've delivered a sincere-sounding compliment, and now you have a reason to keep talking to her because you need some advice.
Are you with me?
Good...because there are two elements to a successful approach...
1 - The Opener (the first thing you say to catch her attention)
2 - The Transition (moving the conversation towards a topic that will keep things flowing in the right direction).
One of the biggest mistakes that guys make is worrying about the right "opener" or "pickup line"...but then they have no idea what to say NEXT!
(This is when most guys resort to "job interview" mode...asking her a bunch of questions about herself that make her feel like she's being interrogated by some random weirdo.)
I've also found that using a "cell phone opener" is extremely effective with Asian women. When they're alone in public, Asian girls always seem to be talking and texting on their phones.
And if she's a hottie, you can assume that she's packing some cool new model of phone with a bunch of interesting features.
When I'm over in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines or Malaysia (my favorite spots for macking), I can hang out in a mall and start conversations with women all day long regarding their cell phones.
I'll observe a girl sending a text message or making a phone call, and when she's done I'll casually walk up to her and say...
"Pardon me, what type of phone is that? I told my friend I'd buy her a phone for her birthday, and I think that's the one she wants."
(This immediately gets her interest. You buy phones as birthday gifts for your female friends? You must be a cool generous dude, huh?)
I'll ask her to show me her phone's features.
Does it play MP3s?
Can I listen on her headphones to see how it sounds?
Does the phone take good pictures? Can it shoot video?
These are all reasons for you to move in close to her, in a way that feels natural. Ask her to show you her pictures so that you can see the quality of its built-in camera.
Asian girls always have pictures stored on their cell phones. This provides you with ENDLESS ways to keep the conversation flowing!
Comment on her pictures, ask questions about the people in the pictures, etc...make some jokes, do some light teasing, make her "qualify" herself to you, etc.
This book lays out HUNDREDS of effective techniques for carrying on the conversation and building ATTRACTION. Give it a quick look:
Now, after a few minutes of "strategic" conversation, YOU are going to be the one to end the interaction on a positive note. (And of course, you're going to get her phone number.)
You take your phone out of your pocket and press the buttons to open up your "Contacts"...
As you do this, say "It's been cool talking to you. I'll text you sometime -- how do I spell your name?"
She'll spell out her name, you'll program it into your phone, and you're done.
NEVER ask permission to get her phone number ("Do you mind if I call you sometime?") Act like it's completely natural for you to get her number...and just program it in! Then, tell her you're going to send her a message, right then and there, so that she will have your number also.
All you need to write is, "It's John. Thanks for the advice on your cool (fill in the blank -- her phone, necklace, shoes, whatever detail you opened the conversation with)."
Once you've done this number exchange, don't hang around the same area trying to chat up other girls. If she sees you an hour later talking to some other girl, she'll blow you off when you text her later.
And texting is going to be your next step. You're not going to call her. You're going to text her, because this is the mode of communication that Asian women are most comfortable with.
It's also a great way to begin some flirtation... which will lead to SEDUCTION.
If you were to notice how "naturals" interact with women and how they ATTRACT them, you'll almost always notice how magic happens when their game is "on". For me, I could literally watch it happen over and over. But when it came to EXPLAINING what
they were doing, they couldn't exactly explain what they were doing is because what they were doing was mostly NON-VERBAL.
It was a combination of several different types of "signals" they were sending to women... that these guys just "understood."
After a lot of study, testing, and trial-and-error, the picture began to come together for me...
What these "naturals" were doing was speaking a different "language" with these women. It was a language that no one had ever actually described or explained to me...
The most interesting part?
As I started to do research on the topic, I found that even though this stuff was right out "in plain sight," no one had ever really noticed or DESCRIBED it.
To make a long story short, I took this new "secret" information that I discovered, and put together an entire program to teach it to other guys...
As far as I know, this is the ONLY program of its kind ever created. In fact, I get emails all the time from guys who say that just one time through this program instantly changed their views on Asian women and attraction... and allowed them to spark attraction and build "chemistry" or "sexual tension" with women in every type of situation... IMMEDIATELY.
"Sexy Communication" is what I call it. Asian women LOVE it. And if you want to know EXACTLY how it's done, check this out:
Good luck, and please use this information responsibly...this is VERY deep, powerful stuff...
Opening Lines To Use When Approaching Asian Women
When starting conversations with girls, think in terms of Opener + Transition. This is the key to engaging women in good conversations. The two don't need to be related at all. For example, I can Open a girl by asking her a question about her cell phone -- but as soon as she answers, I can Transition onto another topic that is going to get her to share information about herself. (I don't want to stand there for ten minutes making small-talk about her phone; I want to get to know her!)
You should never need to rely on clich?obvious openers like "Do you have the time?" or "Hi, how are you?"
Also, never ask women permission to talk to them. Don't say things like, "Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you something?" Or, "Pardon me, can I talk to you for a minute?"
This will only cause a woman to go into 'defensive' mode; her brain will come up with reasons not to engage in an interaction with you. It's a built-in defense mechanism.
You're some random guy and your intentions are unclear. She's thinking, if she does allow you to talk to her, what's going to happen next? Are you going to hit on her? Are you going to try to trap her in some boring conversation that she'll need to escape from? Are you going to try to sell her something? What's the deal here?
The point is, you never want to give her the opportunity to 'disqualify' you and blow you off. Jump right in with an effective Opener and follow with an effective Transition, and you'll both be smiling and talking to each other without ever giving her 'defense mechanisms' a chance to kick in.
Just use common sense with these Openers. Obviously, a Japanese woman briskly walking down a crowded street in Tokyo is not going to want to stop and give you language lessons. And, keep in mind that Asian women in public places are self-conscious about other people watching them.
You should try to approach them in isolated areas where there aren't a lot of other people around. For example, if you're at an Asian supermarket or at a bookstore, approach the girl when she is browsing by herself. Don't try to approach when she's in the check-out line.
A NOTE ON BODY LANGUAGE: Your body language is as important as what you say. Show 'open' body language: stand tall, keep your chin up, and look relaxed. Get your hands out of your pockets! If you look awkward and uncomfortable, you'll make her feel the same way.
Also take note of her body language. When you deliver your opener, does she look startled or worried? If so, then this probably isn't going to work out. She might have a boyfriend (or husband) and is nervous about being seen in public talking to you. Or, she might be extremely shy and simply isn't going to engage in a conversation with a random guy. If she's showing closed-off body language and looks like she wants to be on her way, don't push it.
Smile, let her go on her way, and move on to your next prospect.
Now, let's talk about some effective Openers and how to use them.
Opener #1: Language Lessons
I've found that a great way to start conversations with Asian women is to tell them that you're trying to learn their language, and ask for their help. Open the conversation by using a phrase in their language that you've memorized. Then, when she expresses interest in the fact that you seem to know her language, you can smile and laugh (acting a little bit shy and apologetic) and explain to her that you're just starting to learn, and you actually could use some help 'real quick.' (Make it seem like you don't have much time, but just need a quick bit of assistance.)
For this reason, you should always carry with you a small pad of paper containing your 'language notes,' and a pen. Or, you can keep this information programmed into your phone. (I carry an iPhone and have my phrases programmed into my 'Notes' application, which is perfect for this.)
Show her your notes and what you've been learning. Then, ask her to give you a translation for a phrase you want to know. This technique is also cool because she's going to move in close to you, so that she can help you with your notes. This closes the physical gap.
When you're in an Asian country, even if you don't need to speak the local language in order to communicate with the women (which is the case in the Philippines, where everyone speaks at least some English), asking for some quick 'language lessons' is an amazing way to meet women.
Also, as a rule, you should always work on building your skills in the language of the Asian women you want to meet. It shows that you respect and appreciate their culture.
Opener #2: Flattery Will Get Your Everywhere
One of the many things I love about Asian women is that they are easily flattered by compliments. While I would not advise you to ever say these things to Western women, with Asian women it's perfectly okay for you to open with a flirtatious compliment such as, 'you're so cute' or 'you're very pretty.' You should deliver this line in her language unless you're talking to a girl in the Philippines, since a Filipina will always understand your English.
It's incredible how effective these Openers can be with Asian women. As long as you're smiling and seem harmless and friendly, you will rarely get blown off using one of these lines. She may giggle or blush'or if she's a Filipina, she might downplay it by saying 'Oh, no, I'm not'...or 'bola-bola' (which means she's saying playfully, 'you're a liar')...but in most cases, she'll be touched by your compliment and you can now Transition into a conversation.
Sounds easy... It is!
Opener #3: "I Saw You Somewhere"
Look at her, make eye contact, rub your chin, and act like you're trying to figure out who she if you've met her before, but you can't recall where. Then say, "I know you from somewhere?"
She'll then look at you and try to figure out who you are, and how she's supposed to know you. Then you can just make up a location where you supposedly saw her before.
For example, I'm in the Philippines, I might say "Were you in Boracay last week?" (The popular beach resort island.) Or, "You were at the Skybar nightclub last night, right? Wearing a sexy red dress?"
Just make something up. As a fail-safe, you can say a location that she probably was in. (Say that you saw her recently at the biggest shopping mall in the city.)
If she says no, you must be mistaken, she wasn't there, then you say "Well, you must have a twin sister. There was this very beautiful girl there, and she looked just like you." Now, you've flattered her.
With Filipinas, I know that I can be a huge flirt...and they love it. So instead of using the 'twin sister' line, I might say "Hmmm, I guess I saw you in my dream last night." (Absolutely corny...but it works!)
Again, this is simply an Opener that you will use to bridge into a Transition. I'll explain more about Transitions in a moment.
Opener #4: Facebook Friends
"Hey, I saw you on Facebook, I think we have a friend in common." This one is a gem because virtually every Asian woman on the planet has a Facebook account, and it's entirely plausible that you do have a mutual friend. Don't spend time talking to her about which Facebook friends you might possibly have in common. You've already Opened her; now transition to something else.
Opener #5: Phone Flirting
If she's using her cell phone, wait until she finishes her call or her text and then use this Opener: "Excuse me, what kind of phone is that? I need to buy a phone for a friend of mine, as a birthday gift, and I think that's the one she wants."
She'll tell you the model of her phone, and then say, "Can I take a picture with it real quick? I'd like to see how good the camera is." Have her show you how to take a picture...then use her phone to take a picture of her.
Be playful...don't just snap a picture of her, have her do a 'model' pose. Once you take the picture, she's naturally going to come in close to you so that she can see the result. (That's a funny thing about Asian girls; they're crazy about taking pictures, especially of themselves, and they can't resist immediately checking how the photo came out.)
Now you can show her your phone. If it's way less fancy than hers, you can make a joke about it and say you need to upgrade...and ask for her advice. Or if you're carrying a nice phone, that's much better since it shows that you're tech-savvy and you're into the latest cool devices. Now it's also going to be super-easy for you to exchange phone numbers with her, since your phones are both already out and in hand.
Opener #6: The Birthday Gift
Notice an interesting detail of her appearance...such as her handbag, necklace, earrings, dress, etc. Then say to her, "Excuse me, I really like that (fill in the blank). I need to buy a birthday gift for a friend of mine and I think she'd love something like that...where's a good place for me to go shopping?"
This opener is effective because you're bringing up a topic that women naturally enjoy talking about. What girl doesn't like chatting about good places to shop? Plus, by mentioning that you need to buy a birthday gift for a friend, you're implying that you're thoughtful and generous -- exactly the kind of boyfriend that Asian girls are looking for.
BONUS TIP: If you find yourself struggling to identify 'interesting details' about women that you can use to comment on, here's a helpful exercise. Sit outside a cafe or coffee shop in an area where there are a lot of pedestrians. Order a drink or some food and spend 30 minutes watching the women who walk by. Try to notice an interesting detail about every one of them. When you 'train' your eye to notice these details, it becomes easy to do. Every woman has something about her that you can use to comment on and open a conversation.
It doesn't need to be an article of clothing or an accessory; I've opened conversations by commenting on a woman's smile, her laptop, her dog, the book she's reading, or even her 'positive energy' if she has a sunny disposition.
The Opener is your gateway into the conversation. Once you've successfully opened her, you don't need to stay on that topic (her handbag, her cell phone, learning some phrases in her language, etc.) You can switch to something else.
With an Asian girl you've just met, the purpose of the first conversation is to get some basic information about her and communicate that you're a friendly, respectful single guy who has his life together and has a fun, active lifestyle.
By communicating this information about yourself, you will eliminate questions and concerns from her mind. This way, when you contact her in the future to make plans with her, she won't be wondering "what if this guy is married?" Or, "Is he the type of guy I might want to date, or is he some weird homeless dude who walks around trying to meet women all day?" (I know, she probably won't think you're homeless, but my point is this: by communicating some of your positive qualities to her, she won't have to wonder about them).
Notice the qualities that I just mentioned. You should communicate that you:
#1 Are friendly
#2 Respectful
#3 Single
#4 Have your life together
#5 Lead a fun, active lifestyle
And, I'll add one more thing if you are meeting women while in an Asian country: you'll want to let her know the purpose of your visit (holiday? Business?) and how long you are staying. When you're a foreigner in an Asian country, the girls will always want to know why you are there.
The idea is to casually mention the above qualities during the conversation. Think of it as 'planting seeds' in her mind.
The best way to plant seeds is to ask her questions about herself, so that you can then give your own answer. Ask her about her job, and then you can mention your own. As her if she lives in the area, and then tell her where you live -- and this is your chance to casually mention that you live alone in your apartment, or that you own a house, etc.
Note: Don't ask women to tell you specifically where they live. Just find out the area. Trying to find out the exact street she lives on might cause her to feel concerned (for all she knows at this point, you might be a stalker).
As for communicating your 'fun, active lifestyle,' mention an interesting place you are planning to go tomorrow, or next weekend, and ask if she's ever been there. This could be a mountain biking trail, a tourist attraction, a festival, famous shopping district, etc. Tie it into one of your hobbies or interests. Mention that you love to get out and explore new places. Tourist attractions are great to ask about if you're in a foreign country, and it shows that you appreciate her culture. (In the Philippines and Thailand, a lot of the foreigners are there to party and get laid; you want to give the women you meet a different impression.)
Conversational Example:
I approach a cute Japanese girl and make a comment about her cool cell phone, and ask about the model, features, etc. She gives me a little demonstration and I use this to transition to the topic of jobs: "Wow, you must work at a cell phone store. You know so much about phones." She giggles and tells me no, she doesn't work at a cell phone store, so then I ask her what her job really is and she tells me she's a school teacher.
I compliment her on that, and then I mention my own job. I tell her that I own an internet business. (Hey, even if you simply have your own blog or website, that qualifies as 'owning an internet business' in my opinion. It's all in how you phrase things!)
Then I ask her if she lives nearby; she says no, she lives on the other side of town. "Oh, ok," I reply. "I live about ten minutes from there, I just moved into a very nice new apartment...the only problem is that I'm single and I could really use a woman's opinion on how to decorate the place." (Or, "I'm thinking about buying a house in that area. Do you think it's a nice place to live?")
(If you currently rent a place, mentioning that you're interested in buying a place will make her ears perk up. And, bringing a girl with you to look at houses is a terrific first date idea.)
See, the best way to convey something positive about yourself is to ask her a question that guides the conversation onto that topic. Keep the conversation moving forward, asking questions and using creative ways to transition to different topics, until you've planted the necessary seeds.
(As opposed to dealing with Western women, your conversations need to be "softened" when you are dealing with Asian women. It's all explained in SPECIFIC detail right here, go to this page and download everything if you want more of the 'advanced' stuff:
Pure gold.
Enjoy it... and I look forward to hearing your success stories soon :)
Use these product images to promote the program on your website

Read what other people have to say about this program Secrets Of Dating Asian Women Reviews
Secrets Of Dating Asian Women offers a unique perspective to those who are looking to find "love" with Asian women (this is a growing trend these days!).
What's most relevant in this program is the fact that Dean himself has worked as a translator, international consultant, and inter-racial relationship counselor for companies throughout Asia; Singapore, Japan, Korea, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc – so what you get here is as "real" and as "down to the ground" as it gets!
If you've ever talked to an Asian girl before, you'll realize how different they are straight away! "Westernized", non-Asian girls are generally more outgoing, spirited & lively... she'll be a tad more "open-minded", proactive and will likely pick up a conversation when it stalls ... she's likely to participate more, touch you more...and generally be EASIER to read.
Asian women on the other hand are not so "straightforward", open-minded and transparent.
This program goes straight into everything you need to know about them: what their values, customs and backgrounds are... and how to push their emotional " buttons".
There's a section inside that I found to be breath of fresh air – Dean actually asks the reader to "get real", and assess what type of women he is looking for and further assess who he is as a person. It can sometimes be easy for men to just chase after all women without any actual expectations of what they are looking for in mind.
Most guys would just chase after any woman that seemed achievable to attract. Don't we? What a waste of time though to pursue a woman that will not really fulfill you in the long-run.
By knowing who you are and who you are looking for, you will approach & meet women authentically. Using routines or lines that are not true to who you are or what you stand for will ultimately hurt you in the long-run.
Knowing yourself and the women you want will lay the groundwork for you to present the attractive parts of who you are without needing to put on some sort of act. Asian women are attracted to men who can connect with them on a deep level. However, men have to get past their fears and inabilities that get in the way of connecting with a woman they are attracted to.
I highly recommend this product. One of *the* best programs for understanding, dating & keeping Asian women in the market. Two thumbs up, it's a definite keeper!
You can check it out and download everything here:
Read what other people have to say about this program