The following are Email Templates that should be used in the following sequence.
The objective of the mails are firstly to build up a HUGE anticipation to your list followed by the official announcement.
Email #1 :
Subject Line: Download This *FREE [first name]!
Hi {!firstname},
I've got something REALLY exciting I'd like to share with you today.
Here's the skinny:
I still get TONS of emails from guys desperately
wanting to know what are the best openers/lines
and EXACTLY what they have to do to meet, approach women
and start conversations with them WITHOUT getting blown off...
And in my quest of to solve all your problems & answer all your
questions, I've finally uncovered (now) many consider to be
one of *the* most PRACTICAL & CONSISTENT programs on
Approaching & Meeting Women around.
The best part??
(You can download it for free here):
Unlike most of the rehashed stuff out there, this GEM
of a material will teach you every single thing there
is to know about approaching women & starting
conversations WITHOUT them realizing you're even
picking them up!
I'm talking about the DO-ABLE "everyday" stuff like:
- Sneaky, yet brutally effective ways to have women
secretly wishing to talk to you BEFORE you even approach
- Specific Examples of REAL Proven Game openers with
'word-for-word' scripts that one can use ANYWHERE (bars,
clubs, fitness centers, cafes, hotels, shopping malls, etc)
without getting rejected
- How to quickly come up with riveting 'killer' openers on
the fly to catch their attention and have women laughing
- How to STANDOUT and make a woman see you as the "prize"
instead of a "chump" even if she's already been hit on by
countless other guys
- How to automatically RAMP UP your social value every time
you're around attractive women with NO effort on your part
... Plus so much more!
As a highly valued subscriber of mine and as a way to
thank you for all your support these years, this is your
*backdoor* link to download it FREE:
Your Friend,
Follow Up Email #2: (To Be Sent 4-7 Days Later)
Subject Line: *FREE* 80+ Page Book -- Download It Here (If You Haven't)
Hey [first name],
Quick one...
Seems LOTS of you were happily downloading the 80+ page FREE
Ultimate Secrets Of Approaching Women book since I first unveiled
the *backdoor* link days ago... to date I've gotten at least 73
emails (and counting) from guys who are ALREADY getting
results with it so congratulations if you are one of them!
(Just in case you missed that particular link, here's where
you can download the black book everyone's been RAVING about
It's nothing but PURE meat:
Practical, real-world, FIELD-TESTED tricks & techniques you
can use IMMEDIATELY to meet & get the women you want such as:
- How to handle any objections "why are you talking to us",
"don't you have anyone else here to talk to", "I'm not
interested", etc... and still end up setting a date with her
- How to touch a woman the right way upon first meeting her
(without creeping or freaking her out) that can easily
lead to hand-holding, closing with a kiss or even bringing
her home later
- How to make any conversation 'interesting' enough & keep
it going in order ignite the inner attraction within her
- How to "turn the tables" that changes the dynamics of the
interaction to make it look like THEY are the ones picking
you up (Women LOVE this and can never seem to get enough
of it!)
... PLUS much more!
Download and USE it... you'll get YOUR woman :)
Your Friend,
Solo Email Promotions
Email #1:
SUBJECT: Download Your (FREE) *Black Book*
Hi {!firstname},
Do u know what's the world's worst pick-line... ever??
It's "hello."
Yup...the worst pickup line you can
possibly use to open a conversation with a
gorgeous woman is "hello."
Think I'm crazy? If you don't believe me, go
try it for yourself. Go to a local nightclub,
approach a beautiful girl, and say "hello."
Unless you're David Beckham, I absolutely
guarantee that saying "hi" or "how are you"
will cause the girl to lose interest in you
within 30 seconds.
Women are CONSTANTLY bombarded by loser guys
who say "hello" and offer to buy them a drink.
If you want to actually open a good conversation
and get her interested in you, DON'T just say
"hello, how are you." DON'T offer to buy her
a drink.
You need to engage her in a completely different
way if you want to end up with a phone number,
a kiss, or a night in her bed.
You need to say and do things that make you stand
out...that make her want to be around you.
By using certain "trigger words" and employing
a few sneaky techniques, you can have a 100%
success rate when it comes to opening conversations
with women. And, even without much practice, many
of these conversations will quickly escalate into
flirting, intimacy, sex, and more.
In my opinion, pickup expert Dean Cortez is the
only guy who really shows you EXACTLY how to use
trigger words & approach techniques that will get
her interested in you. Unlike most other authors,
he provides SPECIFIC opening lines and outlines
the key strategies in a step-by-step manner.
Before you get too skeptical, don't worry...
this isn't a promotion. I'm not asking you to
shell out a bunch of money on something.
Dean is currently running an exclusive promotion
ONLY for friends of mine. For only $1 (yes, one
single dollar) you can download his "underground"
guide to approaching women in any situation, PLUS
a bunch of killer bonus products.
Check it out for yourself:
As I mentioned, what makes Dean different
from other "seduction gurus" is the way he
gives SPECIFIC and DETAILED examples. He
provides a ton of usable opening lines,
conversation starters, non-verbal techniques,
Basically, Dean tells you exactly what to
say, and how to say it. He even tells you
how to use body language to your advantage.
(He covers more than just nightclub situations,
by the way. You can use his opening techniques
literally anywhere you can find women.)
In my mind, it all comes to down to science.
Dean's strategies for meeting & seducing women
are designed to quickly tap into her subconscious
sexuality. And that's why they work so effectively.
As I said...this ISN'T a sales promotion! You
don't have to pay for Dean's full program to
access all his opening lines & conversation
starting techniques.
(Frankly I'm just sending this email as a favor
to you, because I know his stuff is one of the
few products in this market that actually works
extremely well.)
You can download everything here:
I can pretty much guarantee that once you try
out some of his opening lines and "trigger words"
you'll understand what I mean when I say they're
"tried and true."
Happy hunting,
PS. Yes, his *FREE* offer is only for my e-course
subscribers, so you'll have to access it via the links
in this email. Copy and paste it into your web browser
if it isn't hot linked already:
Email #2:
SUBJECT: Secret *Black Book* (free) attracts women for you?
Hey [first name],
This is really cool.
I just got my hands on a brand new "black book"
that, when used correctly, really can attract women
for you.
Not only that, I liked it so much that I asked the
author if he could make a few copies available to my
best subscribers.
He finally said yes, but limited the number of copies to 50.
You can claim yours by going here:
...right now, but you'd better hurry.
There are 64,187 men hearing about this, and only 50 copies,
so you can do the math.
Don't delay-go to:
...right now to claim your free "attraction done for you" black
book, before this site is taken down for good.
Email #3:
Subject: *FREE* Download For (first name)!
Hey (first name),
Everything in dating comes down to your ability to approach women.
If you want endless supplies of beautiful women, streams of
"options" to choose from -- to have a life of abundance - then
you MUST know how to approach and naturally start conversations
with women.
Hesitate, even for a brief second... and she'll be gone... forever.
Unfortunately, most guys end up sitting back and TALKING about
what they WOULD do, rather than getting up the courage to actually
It's sad.
And the real truth to it is that this situation WILL NOT get any
better if you don't actively do SOMETHING about it.
It simply will NOT get better on its own.
So here's my gift to you:
A 70+ page Underground *Black Book* that women all over have
tried to get banned...
You get it... FREE! :)
So hurry up and download everything before this page is taken
down... go go go!
Oh and by the way, you’ll also be thrilled to know...
You won't learn concepts that are untested and unproven.
Everything inside has been TESTED to produce results -- that is,
more responsive ‘opening’ sets, more numbers, more dates,
more women, more physically arousing nights of pleasure and
fun :)
Download here FREE:
Consider it my way of thanking you for your support all these
years :)
<a href=" "><img border="0"

<a href=" "><img border="0"
Use these product images to promote the program on your website

Read what other people have to say about this program
The Ultimate Approach: How To Meet Women & Start Conversations Reviews
I recently re-read the Ultimate Approach: How To Meet Women & Start Conversations by Dean Cortez. Here's my take:
The most important part of dating and seduction has to do with being able to meet the kind of women you want. The problem is, most guys can't do that. They may get tongue-tied, don't know what to say, or just simply freeze up — paralyzed with fear.
The Ultimate Approach is a great guide to meeting women, starting conversations, setting up dates, etc and it will quickly become second nature to you if all principles are followed. No skipping chapters, modules, you HAVE to follow everything as is.
The Ultimate Approach discusses the foundation of approaching; direct, indirect, one-the-fly openers, situational, humor openers, individual/group set openers, turning on the "cool", attraction triggers, connection builders, follow up and deal-closing techniques -- all analyzed and explained point by point.
It covers all the bases, from meeting a woman, to attracting her, how to pick up on the subtle cues she sends out to let you know she likes you, and to creating confidence within yourself so you don't have to worry about rejection or uncertainty.
Every facet of meeting and attracting women is explored in depth in these six sections.
Best part is, (at the time of this review), he's throwing in A TON of bonuses that acts as perfect complementary materials to "complete" your training to be an expert at socializing & meeting women: daygame approach, inner game mastery, female psychology games, rules of seduction & creating lasting first impressions, etc - all for an incredible... $1! That's what I call value-for-money!
All in all - I'd say that The Ultimate Approach along with the Inner Circle program is a very usable and practical reference guide. It will produce fast results for you and this is what counts to alot of guys out there reading this.
And again... everything's going for an amazing $1! What more can you ask for?
Definitely one of the best value-for-money offers (with amazing content quality) I have seen so far! This gets a 4.5/5 rating for me!
What are you waiting for? Go here and get everything before they're gone!:
Read what other people have to say about this program