How to get those sexy, gorgeous
women fantasizing about having sex with you
within minutes and getting
them into your bed without paying a
red cent for it?
How to project an "aura" that
makes you STAND OUT,
get a
dancer turned on and gladly
"surrender" herself to you for the night?
Exactly how strip clubs
operate, how strippers make money, the optimal
times for you to visit -- and how to get them
to meet you after their
How to get any dancer to stop seeing you
as a walking cash register and instantly consider you
as a sexually attractive, potential lover.
Where strippers hang out
when they're not working, and how to pick them up
for lays and date them in these other
What a dancer's boyfriend
profile is like and how you can quickly fit that mold
and have dancers fighting with each other to be
your girlfriend?
guys think they'll get
some action if they
spend enough money.
So they buy lap
dance after lap dance,
throw money onstage --
or even bring gifts for
their favorite dancer!
(Swear to God, true
truth hurts:
Fact is.. the things guys
normally try to do to ‘convince’ these women to like
them back actually end up pushing them further
away... even though it seems like the right
thing to do at the time!
... And if
you want to unlock the mysteries of strip clubs
(or gentleman's club) and attract super-hot
dancers any night you want without getting
hustled in any way or form, then this could be
the most important message you
will ever read!
Now, Before We Get Started There’s Something Very Important That You Need To See... It's a report that outlines the
7 things that every guy must know about seducing strippers and have
them begging to sleep with them. Simply enter your First name and Email address below, click on the 'Send My Report' button, and it will arrive in your inbox when you're done reading this letter:
* Your privacy is guaranteed. Your personal information will not be shared with anyone else. |
I Used To Be Just Like YOU... |
Hello, I'm Dean Cortez,
and I'm a fairly average
guy. I'm not afraid to
admit that I used to be
extremely insecure of my
ability to meet women,
date and make them
Because like most men,
I had NO IDEA on
how to meet women or get
dates; and
because women didn't
come with an
instructional manual - I
had no idea what I was
But that all changed when...
I Met "The Pimp-Meister"... |
I don't know about you,
but there's nothing I
love more than chilling
out, kicking back with
my buddies at strip
clubs and blowing off
steam after a long
work... No deadlines to
meet, no stressful "issues of
life" to deal with, no
nagging bosses to annoy
me... nothing.
Total brain freeze.
Just heart-stopping,
rockin' good music,
sizzling hot
wearing nothing but
lacy bikini tops and
G-strings; voluptuous boobies,
round, pointy asses with cold,
chilled beer to hang
back and relax. What
more can a guy ask for?
... And with these beautiful women doing all
they can to tease and seduce you
at every available
opportunity... how could any
normal, sane guy resist?
But dang! No
matter what I did, I could never score
with any of them... not
a single one!
I'd easily blow
hundreds, sometimes
drinks and lap dances
and still... ZERO
Of course, occasionally, I'd get a number, but they always
turned out to be
disconnected (or they
never existed in the
first place).
It Frustrated The Hell Outta Me... |
.... to the point it
quickly became an
It was then that I became fanatical in my search
for more "cutting
edge" ways to pick
these babes up and be
the one they fight and
competes over for sex. I
want to be the "man"
with the hottest exotic
In short: I wanted to be a freakin' PLAYER.
Unfortunately, everything I found on the subject
was either totally bunk
or completely outdated
and useless.
I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I mean. One look
around the internet and
you'll find 99% of the
"stripper/dancer pick
up" advice out there
is complete crap.
But the knowledge I
eventually stumbled onto
scared me to death...
I was at this awesome
lil' strip club in
downtown Los Angeles
one night doing the
normal deal; hanging out
with my buddies,
checking them women
shaking their booty and
secretly looking to
meet a woman I could
take home and try to
And that's
when I saw him...
There was a short,
pasty-white man with a
pot-belly and thinning
hair walking through the
club with no less than
THREE drop-dead gorgeous
dancers hanging all over
him. Seriously, these
girls were trying their
hardest to get his
attention - even though
they were already with
My natural thought then was "he must be some rich
dude"... because no man who
looked like that could
ever get three dancers that
hot to compete for his
affections any other
I watched to see whether he was quietly feeding
them cash for their "services".
... and guess what?
Nada. Zilch. None.
But let me tell you, these strippers were ALL OVER HIM.
Teasing his crotch with their long slender fingers,
rubbing their tits on his face, wiggling their asses
for him to spank, sucking his nipples like tasty
popsicles; basically begging
him to take them home and wear them out like the
pair of socks on your feet.
What the HELL is going on?
So figuring he had more
women than he knew what
to do with, I approached
one of the women he was
with, thinking I could
steal her away...
She stared blankly, gave the "bitch look",
ignored me and walked off... just like that!
Talk about being shot down... bad. Still I chased
after her, but this time I pulled her to a corner
and asked, "what's with
him that makes him so
special?", and
her answer shocked me. "He
get's it, and no
man could ever do to me
the things he can!"
At this point, I was
what this man knew
that was driving these
women so crazy.
So I walked up to him
and introduced myself.
He greeted me
seemingly relieved to
have a break from the
three women buzzing
around him, and we got
to talking.
It turns out that not
only was he pretty
average looking, but he
was also almost
COMPLETELY broke! He was
attending graduate
school and living off of
student loans.
This meant that each
woman was there because
they were OBSESSED with
So I cut to the chase.
I begged him to tell me
his secret.
I promised him I'd do
He was obviously
reluctant at first, but
he saw how persistent I
was, he knew I was
to know, so he looked
down, shakes his head
Whispered The 3
"Magic" Words... |
He told me one (just
ONE) technique he uses
called the "CR
Tech" on
these dancers in our
quick 5-minute
conversation that left
me completely awed
and dazzled. "Try
I didn't know what
to say and I didn't
quite believe him
either. The stuff he
told me just didn't make
sense at all. It
couldn't work! I'd
studied every book on
the subject, and nowhere
did I find ANYTHING
remotely like it.
Skeptical, I went ahead
and followed exactly
what he said.
I saw my target, and
used the "CR
Tech" on
her. It was one of the
most AMAZING feelings
ever, within an instant,
her eyes lighted up, her
faced flushed red, total
transformation and
within the next 15
minutes, she was "mine".
To my surprise, I ended
up taking home TWO of
the hottest headlining
strippers that night and
had one of the craziest,
most out-of-this-world
sexual escapades ever.
(Sex with these types
of women are something
you'll never forget for
Ever since that riot
of a night, since I had
a taste of that "power"
over these women, I was
learning more!
I immediately called him
up and told him what
happened, he laughed
proudly; and I then
begged him to teach me
Long story short, we
became good friends, and
I practically sucked
every last piece of
knowledge I could from
him whenever we were out
chilling together.
Life went on as usual
after that, when
One night, he said...
"Here, take this..."
At first glance, it was
a little small book,
dark navy blue in color,
with rough "doggy-edged
ears" on it's 4
"Everything I know;
every last piece of
"technique" I know to
get these chicks, I've
got it down here... I
don't think I need it
anymore," he
laughed, said nothing
and quickly walked off
with the women in his
I pulled out the book
and started flipping
through it.
It was indeed his
"bible"; his private
journal, the only one of
it's kind IN
WORLD... and I'm
in the midst of getting
it internationally
trademarked with him...
I consider it that
Because in all my
studies, I have not
found the information
The Pimp-Meister shared with
me that night in ANY
books, videos, or audio
courses -- anywhere.
This was all stuff he discovered and developed on
his own, and I was the
only one he'd ever
shared it with!
He is obviously a
VERY secretive man
who doesn't want his
"black book" to be
leaked out onto
the public eye.
Why would he?
Truth is, he stuck to
his guns and INSISTED I
kept it between him and
me... but after MONTHS
of non-stop coaxing &
begging, I finally
managed to get him to
share this information
with the world, but
only if I:
Paid him a small fortune (which I did, but
it's already come back
to me in spades).
Promised NEVER reveal his true
identity. (no name
was mentioned throughout the entire
3. Tell his
story exactly the way it
is - no glorified sugar-coats,
no fairytale fillers, no BS..
again, exactly as it is.
... And That's The
True Story Of How "Strip Club
Seduction Secrets" Was Born... |
Here's a tiny
sample of what you'll be
uncovering inside:
- Why strip clubs can
actually be BETTER than bars and nightclubs
to pick up single women and get them to be your
Guaranteed "deal closers": Under-The-Radar
fail-proof techniques for scoring her phone
number EVERY TIME without fail, or
arranging to meet her somewhere else after her
shift ...
without spending money.
Behind-the-scenes details on
how strip clubs operate, how strippers really
make their money, and the optimal times for you
to visit -- and the best places to meet up with
the girls after their shift.
The 7 secret
"rules" about dealing with
Strippers that will maximize
your chance to score and
drastically minimize the amount
of money you spend.
The 9 things you must NEVER
say when talking to a stripper (90% of guys
use this word all the time, which totally kills
the girl's interest!)
What a dancer's boyfriend
profile is like and how you can quickly fit that mold
and have dancers instantly attracted to you.
The best way
to respond when she asks you,
"do you want a dance?"
to stand out, impress her and
get her instantly turned on (Hint:
it's not "yes," and it's not
"no." I'll give you several
super-effective lines to use, so
that you skip the dance and
immediately engage her in a
playful, penetrating
The 5-step surefire method to
take her mind off of her job, and get her
completely focused on you.
- 6 "never-seen-before"
breakthrough tactics for controlling the
conversation with a stripper, so that you never
play HER game, and bring her into YOUR reality
- The five secret methods
for "teasing" strippers and making them want to
impress YOU, instead of the other way around.
- How to identify the phony
"signals of interest" that strippers use to
manipulate men... and how to know when her
interest in you is REAL (it will be, if you
use the tips in this guide!)
- A
step-by-step detailed explanation broken down
and explained on the 8 intimate details you must
get her to reveal, if you want her to feel a
sexual connection with you.
- Insights from real-life
stripper friends of mine, about how they
approach their job and the qualities they go for
in men. (Their answers are going to shock you
-- and all of these girls have dated regular
customers before!)
- An "underground" forum
only known to dancers where real-life strippers
post thousands of messages about their jobs,
their customers, their problems, and their
biggest turn-offs, and turn-ons... (this is
the secret to understanding them, and using it
to your advantage!)
- How to immediately
identify the different types of strippers
the "Pro," the "Semi-Pro," and the "Rookie" and
others) and use special tactics designed to
penetrate their working barriers.
- Where strippers hang out
when they're not working, and how to use power
techniques to pick them up in these other
- How to manage
relationships with the strippers you date, and
stay in control at all times.
- How to use subconscious
phrases to get her in a sexual, spontaneous,
"loose" frame of mind with
NO resistance right up the point she gets into
your bed.
- How to handle the crucial
first three minutes
of the
How to build connections with
gentleman's club employees (other than the
so that whenever you visit the club,
you have massive social status.
- The one word you must
NEVER say when talking to a hot stripper
(90% of guys
use this word all the time, which totally kills
the girl's interest!)
- How to identify the phony
"signals of interest" that strippers use to
manipulate men... and how to know when her
interest in you is REAL
(it will be,
if you use the tips in this guide!)
- Breakthrough tactics for
controlling the conversation with strippers,
so that you never play her game,
and bring her into YOUR reality instead.
- … PLUS much, much
But don't
just take my word for it.
Are Just A Few Out Of The
TONS Of Feedback That I've Received...
**(Customer Initials Used For Privacy
Reasons)** |
(her name) called me days later
and I'm going over to her place
Thursday night!!" |
"This is the info I've been
searching for ages! I used to be
one of those chumps who easily
spent A TON of wad in clubs
thinking they'd be impressed.
Deep down, I knew they were just
leading me on but there was
always that lil' "voice" in my
head that told me this girl
might be different! BIG mistake.
The moment I read your book, it
hit me on all the stuff I did
wrong... no wonder I didn't get
any! I gave it one last try
going in to BD last night and ho
STRIPPER! Me??!! lol. You
know what? Wendy (her name)
called me days later and I'm
going over to her place Thursday
You da man bro!"
~~ Guiseppe D, Engineer
now successfully brought home 5
strippers to date (seriously!)" |
had this one stripper chick whom I
was super into and I kept "paying"
her to for dances just to get her to
notice me and it got me more "time"
to get to know her. Sure enough, she
gave me her number (I thought I was
I called her several times and yes
we indeed eventually went out but
that was practically it. Nothing
happened! Yea it was pure denial but
after a while, I just felt that I
was led on and "used".
After going through your material, I
went back again, tried JUST TWO of
your techniques on her and bam!
She followed we home and gave me
some of the WILDEST sex ever!
I've now successfully brought
home 5 strippers to date
(seriously!) Thanks man...
couldn't have done it without your
~~ Jonas C, LA
"I'm now dating a BABE of a
dancer... oh and she's only 22!" |
"Excellent stuff! Dude... I'm 38
years old, slightly overweight and
balding (hate it when I'm old!). I
read your information and I'm now
dating a BABE of a dancer... oh and
she's only 22! My friends are now
treating me like God and they want
to know how I did it.
I got them to buy your stuff. That's
the least I could do to thank you.
Keep up the great work.. any chance
of you coming out with a books on
getting Asian women? I've always had
a thing for them.. but the stuff
I've been reading
doesn't seem to work!!"
~~ Gordon S, Amsterdam
now been sort of an item for 3
weeks and I didn't have to take
out one red cent cuz she makes
FOUR times what I make!"
"I would never have imagined I
would have a dancer as my sex
"partner" but that's exactly what's
happening right now! I'm just an
average guy, but I followed exactly
what you taught in your book and she
just kept taking the bait... it was
easy.. do this.. do this.. do this
and before I knew it, we have
having a RIOT back at her place!
We've now been sort of an item for 3
weeks and I didn't have to take out
one red cent cuz she makes FOUR
times what I make! I couldn't have
been happier. Thanks dude your book
~~ Flow X, Manila,
"18 days later, she's now MINE..."
"I've always wanted to have a
hot girlfriend, I was never
really satisfied with what I had
before (I had girlfriends that
were 6s at the most) and when I
came across your website, it got
me thinking... am I really
settling? Could I do any better?
Your "black book" sounded too
good to be true, but I gave it a
go anyway. I'm telling you I was
SHOCKED with what I saw...
because what you wrote didn't
make ANY sense at all!
Ok, I gave you the benefit of
the doubt and I eventually went
out and tried it, not so much in
the clubs, but I tried it this
one girl I've been eye-ing for
for as long as
I can remember (she's AT LEAST a
9+ on my scale!).
She has always treated me as
"one of the guys" and you know
what? 18 days later, she's
now MINE haha. Feel free to
share my story with the rest of
your subscribers.
I owe it all to you man!"
~~ Darren W, Sydney, Australia
had sex with 9 of these super-hot babes
without me spending a dime on lap
dances, buying them gifts and all that
bullshit nonsense to impress them at
"I can
honestly say this is one hell of a book! I frequent
these clubs a lot, and I can tell you from
experience that I have yet to see ANY customer who
gets to go home with them chicks.
I'm not going to write you a 5-page fan mail dude,
but all I can say is THANK YOU!
Your stuff works and I'm a living, breathing
testimony that if anyone were to just follow the
steps laid out in your book, it CAN be done!
To date, I've had sex with 9 of these super-hot
babes without me spending a dime on lap dances,
buying them gifts and all that bullshit nonsense to
impress them at all. Just good ol 'tricks' I've
learnt from the master. lol.
We should hook up one of these days. Let me know
when you're in my side of town."
~~ Doggy M, Manhattan
"Woman went from cold to kissing me in
public to inviting me for dinner on
Tuesday. She couldn't get the smile off
her face." |
Thanks to you
guys, I'm really putting it together now. It is
freakin' amazing, feels like invincibility. I was
out with a solid 8 tonight, by any standard. Super
cute, smart, rich, worldly girl. Very sexy and
stylish. 30 - I'm 34. I focused on talking about all
my travels and experiences and food and fashion -
and telling the stories that make me sound loyal
etc... the stuff Dean teaches us to focus on.
Woman went from cold to kissing me in public to
inviting me for dinner on Tuesday. She couldn't get
the smile off her face.
It's all a f*cking science. It can be taught, and
practiced, and learned.
I'm sure you don't need to hear this, but never
underestimate the significance and importance of
what you do. Money and vagina are the two forces
that control the world, and you two have one of
those covered.
Bravo to you two, and much success and happiness to
you in the New Year. May you become fabulously
wealthy with your business many times over. I've
dropped a few hundred bucks on your materials -
worth $100k. Heck, some lame rich dudes
would pay millions for the fun I've had.
-- Tony F
... and if you think that's
crazy, wait til you see this!
Modules Worth $259.80
FREE No Matter What You Decide!) |
To complete your
"training" and to thrill you to the point where
you'll be bragging about this course to your
friends, I'll ALSO be throwing these
exclusive bonuses at my cost. This
information you'll find nowhere
else, and just one of these little-known
discoveries could change your life:
Bonus #1: |
"Rocking Her With Orgasmic
Sexual Ecstasy -- How To Unleash The
Wild, Porn-Star Beast In ANY
Woman" -- (Value:$69.95)
Once you've
gotten these women back to your
pad, it is absolutely
essential that you know how
to rock her world in the bedroom
and guarantee that she comes
back, begging for more.
In this exclusive 60+ minute CD
recording with world-renowned
sex guru Nico Simon Princely, he
revealed everything:
How to manage the 4
crucial emotional states a woman
goes through during the lovemaking
process to make sure she experiences
unbridled sexual ecstasy
The 4-step "orgasmic
fire-train" technique that is
guaranteed to give women double, triple,
quadruple orgasms at a single go... one that
that will put you a cut above any lover your
woman has ever had!
The 5 indispensable
stealth techniques for becoming the ultimate
"lover in steroids" that makes passionate
love to her for hours on end... every
single time!
- How to take your partner
to a deep sexual level where she's willing
to do anything in bed. (and have them think
it was their idea)!
- What women really
fantasizes about in the bedroom… and how
to make her feel comfortable with acting
those fantasies out!
- How to use delayed
gratification -- to build up intense
feelings of sexual tension with a woman
inside and outside the bedroom… and then
give her a mind-blowing experience she will
remember FOREVER
- ... and much more!
Bonus #2: |
"How To Become The Ultimate Sex-Stallion
And Make Passionate Love To Her
For Hours On End - (Value:$49.95)
In this special
"underground" report, you will uncover:
tests a woman will give you when you are
“getting physical” and how to pass them…
even if you aren’t aware that you are being
tested at the time
to ask a woman how to please her best
without looking like you are inexperienced
or clueless (Women actually LOVE when a
man asks them how to give them pleasure… but
you have to do it right!)
... and a bunch more!
Bonus #3: |
"How To Sexually Attract & Date Super Hot
Younger Women: Carlos Xuma" -- (Value:$99.95)
The nation's #1 dating
coach, Carlos Xuma will
reveal his bag o' tricks
on how to successfully
hook up with hot young
women (for
short/long-term even
one-night relationships)
without suffering social
weirdness and seeming
"creepy" or immature.
(Remember: In
strip clubs, you'll
usually be gunning for
hotties who are 5, 10 or
20 years younger than
you are).
Here, you'll
The 7 secrets
to attract hot young women (for
short/long-term even one-night relationships)
by impressing her as a fun, fascinating,
charming “man of the world”…but with a
mischievous “edge” that gets her sexually
curious and aroused.
The essential "Inner Game
transformation" and mental adjustments you
must make in order for younger women to feel
a connection with you and quickly destroy
the "age gap" in her mind
The proven 3-step formula
for dating with a younger woman - and dazzle
her while keeping your spending to a
minimum. (Forget about buying gifts and
taking her to a fancy restaurant! He will show you a much easier, more effective
How to
frame yourself as a man of high
"turn the tables" and get them to be
eager to impress YOU and view you as a
PRIZE, (this has nothing to do with your net
and many more!
Bonus #4: |
"Demystifying, Decoding & Mastering The Art Of Attraction: Carlos Xuma" -- (Value:
To have STREAMS of quality women in your
life, it's critical for you to
pinpoint & sharpen your skills of giving
women EXACTLY what they want the very
instant you meet them.
This jaw-dropping report will help you
"cheat the system" and teach you:
How to flip a woman's
subconscious “attraction switches” and
create a powerful feeling of attraction for
YOU that she can’t explain
A proven way to “keep
the power” as you're chasing a woman and
guarantee that YOU are in charge…
(When she's afraid of losing you, she'll
make it as EASY as possible for you to get
her WITHOUT playing "head games")
How to bring out the BEST
parts in your authentic personality that
emotionally connects with a woman to get
her feeling comfortable, relaxed and oozing
with fantasies of being "together" with you
How to transform into a
woman's MAN and rid yourself of the needy
“boy” inside of you (when you're with a
woman you REALLY like) that almost always
RUINS your game with her.
... plus much more!
Bonus #5: |
"Raw, Uncut And X-Rated:
How To Seduce ANY Stripper In 24
Hours... Guaranteed!" -- (Value:
started dating a
beautiful 24-year old
before she decided to
become a stripper! I saw
everything she went
through (the good and
bad) during her
journey to becoming one
of the HIGHEST
paid dancer in LA.
During this time, I
sneakily crept in to
become "one of the
gang", and learned stuff
from her stripper
friends that
they would only share
with a closest "sistas"
(I'm still good friends
with - and have slept
with -
many of them.)
trials, tribulations and
successes with them,
condensed for your
perfect learning
How to bypass her top
5 excuses (eg. "Sorry sweetie, I don't date
customers")... and show her that you're
the kind of guy she would want to date (or
go out and have fun with.)
How to completely shut
down her "stripper talk" by showing her that
you are an "insider"... that you are "in on
the secret"...and get her to treat you
differently than the rest of the chumps in
the club!
How to cleverly show
her that you are the "stripper boyfriend"
type and that, unlike most guys, you can
handle dating a woman like her!
... and much, much more!
I Reserve The Right Pull This
Information Off And NEVER
Reveal It Again. |
We don't want too many people discovering this
It would be like giving GUNS to school
children. This information is THAT powerful.
Since I started using these techniques, I've
gotten marriage proposals from every woman I've used
them on.
The Pimp-Meister not only gets marriage
proposals, but these women gladly showers him with
fancy clothes, expensive gifts, cars, and even
(I'm not kidding).
They are not used to being treated this way by a
man at all. Once they've "tasted" the Pimp-Meisters'
secret "charms", they simply DON'T WANT any other
And women talk. So we also have all their FRIENDS
trying to seduce us too!
The really funny thing is, the moment you know
how to hit their "soft spots", the more
they'll want to be with you and PLEASURE you.
Imagine If EVERY Guy Out There
Had This Kind Of Power... |
The entire stripping industry will go bust!
Strip club owners (and the dancers themselves)
have made every effort possible to keep this
information from you (and for good reason, the
more people that find out about this.. the less
money these clubs rake in night after night).
Because this information is now available to the
public, I am what can only be considered a MARKED
I've already been banned from a number of these
places as I'm typing this.
For this reason, I don't know how long I will be
able to keep this information available. That is
why I can't guarantee you will be able to get this
book after
Why You Know You WANT
This... |
Imagine the hundreds or
thousands you've spent
on women in strip clubs,
and gotten nothing to
show for it.
Imagine being able to dominate strip clubs with
razor-sharp skills and
"cocky confidence" and
create real sexual
connections with the
most beautiful women.
Imagine walking into
ANY club,
finding a sexy dancer
you really like, and
getting her to meet you
outside the club for a
fun date that night.
Think about how great it will be to leave the
club and feel good about
your experience there
instead of ripped-off or
If you're ready to start
hooking up with the
sexiest dancers at your
local clubs... or when
you visit other cities,
or attend your next
bachelor party, this
information will ensure
you get ANY girl you
want to gladly
herself to you
whilst you sit back and
let her do all the work
to "satisfy"
Guaranteed To Work ANYWHERE
In The World... |
Secrets of Strip Club
Seduction was developed
by picking up exotic
around the world -
throughout the United
States, Asia, Europe,
Central America, South
America... EVERYWHERE.
Scores Club. Gentlemans clubs in Baltimore. Gold
Gentlemans Club. Vegas
Gentlemans Clubs. Deja
Vu Club and Spearmint
Vegas ... no matter
where you go, the game
remains the same.
No matter where you live, what you look like, or
what you do for a
living, these
techniques have
been filed-tested and proven
to help ANYONE to
connect with strippers
and any exotic dancer on
an highly-charged, sexual level
the instant you meet her.
Here's How You Can Start Banging
Strippers By Tonight... |
Your investment in this
comprehensive and
information is just
***(ON SALE for
As soon as you place your discreet and secure
order, you'll be taken
to a secret download
page where you can
access the recordings
and the course manual
The reason I've decided to make this a
downloadable product as
opposed to something you
get in the mail is three
1. It keeps costs down so you won't have to pay
as much. If I had to ship this entire package of
CDs, books & reports out to you, it'd cost at least
$147. This
saves you money.
2. Nobody (including me) ever sees your address
so your identity and
contact info is kept
strictly confidential.
You will also be billed
under "CLICKBANK," so
even your mother could
look at your credit card
statement and not know
what you got.
3: You can get this information immediately.
Right now. In
Seriously, within
minutes you'll be
learning how to
frighteningly easy it is
to get this women
"fighting" to please
you and have
mind-blowing sex you
never before thought was

And if you're at all skeptical about this, I
understand. You have
every right to be.
I've seen the garbage that's being sold out there
on the Internet.
Most of it is pure crap.
This is different. This is real. It's so real,
it's scary.
Don't Decide Now: Download And
Try The Strip Club Seduction
Secrets FREE For 60
Days... |
challenge anybody to match that
guarantee. The bottom line is this:
If you don't like it, I don't want your
You can just keep the whole thing as my
way of |
"thanks for being adventurous and taking a
You won't have to answer any
questions, fill out any forms, or send anything
back. Just let me know if you're not happy and
I'll immediately give you a 100% refund.
Remember, you
have nothing to lose because I personally
guarantee you satisfaction.
Also - this website could be taken down at any

**Risk-Free For 60 Days By
Placing Your Safe And
Confidential Order Here...**
Use it... and you'll
when you see how
everything falls into
place like clockwork.
We'll be waiting for
success stories then...
Happy banging,

Simon H
P.S. Remember, this
is information you can't
find ANYWHERE else. Not
in any bookstore or
website... nowhere. The
Pimp-Meister has
pioneered these
techniques himself and
has never shared them
with anyone... until
Click Here To Get
Your Copy Today And
Place Your Secure And
Confidential Order.
P.P.S. The clock
is ticking, and when we
reach our limit, this
site WILL come down.
More and more people are
finding this site every
day, and the more who
the sooner it will
be closed. When that
happens, if you haven't
gotten these secrets by
then, you'll lose out
P.P.P.S. Remember
you get a 100% Money
Back Guarantee if you
are not satisfied in
every way possible with
this amazing
information. There's no
risk on your part, and
you have nothing to lose
but the great sex you
COULD be having with
these types of women if
you get this special